2015 Cleveland O Scale Show – October


Yesterday, the Cleveland O Scale Show was held in Kirkland, OH. Sam Shumaker continues to put on a fine show. This year Sam added some layout tours to the show for Friday and Saturday. More about those in a later post.

This show was held a little earlier than it used to be, it was held on Halloween. It seemed like the dealer attendance was down a little over last year. Might have been the early date or it might have been that it was the third show in three weeks (Strasburg and then the York TCA) and some of the dealers chose not to attend. I counted less than 90 dealer tables in the hall.

There were the usual guys selling off excess stuff what seemed to be missing were the bigger dealers from past shows like Bill Davis and P&D Hobbies. The new vendor I mentioned at Strasburg, Scale City Designs  was there. This time they had a couple of tables worth of inventory from Keil-Line Products.

The good thing was, the general public attendance appeared to be steady throughout the day. I also noticed on Saturday something that has been missing from a lot of other shows, younger modelers attending the show with their fathers and grandfathers. And no they were not bored to death, they were having fun.