2022 Strasburg O Scale Show – April

Rich Yoder speaking to the crowd before the show opened with John and Patty Dunn.

The Strasburg Show happened today. Before the show opened, John Dunn spoke to the crowd. John went through their normal announcements talking about the modules set up in the bay and the tree-building demonstration that was scheduled.

Then Rich spoke and announced that John was retiring from hosting the shows with Rich. Rich spoke about John’s contributions to the show over the years they have been putting them on. While Rich was speaking he also smartly recognized John’s wife Patty’s help and contributions to the shows. Their combined leadership has made the show a success.

After that surprise announcement, they let the public into the show. They had a very strong turn out for the show. It was later mentioned that it was one of the best attended shows ever. Traffic was steady throughout the day. The buying was also spaced out throughout the show. I know I almost emptied my table by the end of the show.

Berkshire Car Shops with their great high quality 3D printed buildings. These looked great but I didn’t get a chance to talk to them about their products as there was always a crowd when I went by their tables.

Berkshire Car Shops had some great high quality 3D printed buildings.
More Berkshire Car Shops 3D printed buildings

For the Reading modelers, I did see a couple of the SGL cars in the room on two different tables. A nicely painted RY Models Fishbelly Twin Hopper made a short lived appearence on a table before heading under my table.

There was an Overland T-1 at the show. It was a very clean example of a nice model and even had a set of the Overland decals included. Late in the morning, I saw it under its new owner’s arm as it was going to it’s new home.

For the Reading Modelers, there was a Overland T-1 at the show.

On the Proto48 front, there was also a very brief siting of some Overland Conversion wheels for some of their diesel models. They quickly found a new home.

A selection of Pacific Limited box cars and a reefer.

The show also featured a nice traction module set up in the engine bays at the Fire Hall. The Module set up featured both an elevated section and surface line in a nice city scene.

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