WB: Some Progress

I have made some progress building the turnout. My biggest issue so far has been remembering at what angle to drive the spike without moving the rail.

But my check gauge has vanished into the dimension of lost socks. Can’t find that thing anywhere. So I ordered another from Right-O-Way today. I think this project is going to be put on hold until it arrives.

I did notice that Jay at Right-O-Way had posted on Facebook that they have Proto48 Code 125 Non-Weathered Flex-track in stock again. That good news.

2 thoughts on “WB: Some Progress

  1. Looks great George. Do find the FastTracks 3-point gauges more helpful than the longer 3-point bar gauges? I’m anxiously awaiting for Ross Dando’s new spikes before I do any more hand laying.

    • Greg,
      I do like the shorter track gauges for working on a turnout. It get tight in and around the castings. The longer ones are great for everything else. There is no one size fits all.

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